Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Mission Call

Family and friends gathered and Papa and Grandma's house on Monday, September 7th (Labor Day)!! We were so excited! Drumroll....Indianapolis, Indiana!!! https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEhKfV5HqbP6bO4sOwt8POotYxZcpZZsdWuVrCktOqaRD5R-_EjnXIdkB0V998UuEFECxpflZdh3drcZ2UmPZY0gvoW_zFSx9aZl1w-FZ7A_YUvhHTDNiJL7XJgHEYXNiQlGyQ2gy0GF3Ak/w140-h93-p/2015-08-27+22.45.00.jpg

Called To Serve

It came, it came!!  After weeks of waiting by the mailbox it finally came on September 5th, 2015!  Papa was out in Nebraska at the BYU football game so we had to wait through the weekend to open it...so exciting!

Mission Call.jpg